7CTOs/Elevate Weekly Call: Using Story To Drive Digital Transformation

Each week we host a call for all members of the 7CTOs & Elevate Communities.  Our goal is to help each other get unstuck on issues we might be facing.

We all have days we rush in and out of, and the purpose of this call is to take a break from that frenetic energy, from your colleagues and direct reports, and to surround yourself with peers and like minded technology leaders.

This week’s topic: Using Story To Drive Digital Transformation

Product and technology leaders are frustrated, their teams are endlessly generating sticky notes, user stories and code but it doesn’t seem to create value for the customer or the business. I was called into to help at many of these companies and discovered most teams don’t understand what they are trying to achieve. This creates confusion, frustration and limited forward progress. 

The best product leaders tell the story of their customer’s struggle and how their team is helping. They use story to help their teams prioritize and make decisions. Without a story we get lots in endless, circular discussion. Crafting and telling stories is a skill, it can be learned and improved. 

Our speaker: Jessica Hall

Jessica helps teams that are stuck, by helping them better understand their customer and focus efforts. She is the author of The Product Mindset: Succeed in the Digital Economy by Changing the Way Your Organization Thinks.

She scaled a global product strategy and user experience organization at 3Pillar Global, built the first UX team at CEB (now Gartner) and led the creation of the Newseum’s interactive experiences. She currently serves as the VP of User Experience at CoStarGroup. She’s been featured by CES, TEDxPearlStreet, Lean Startup Week and Atlassian Summit. 

How to join us

Head over to Elevate150.com and sign up to become a member of the online community or contact us to learn more about becoming a forum member of 7CTOs.

Participation in either community provides you:

    • Access to our Elevate & 7CTOs communities via Slack
    • Access to a library of videos and content designed to help Technology Leaders
    • Facilitated zoom calls to hop on and discuss short term goals and challenges
    • Introductions to people who can help you and mentor you

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